For years I have listened to the Harbour Lights show that took place every year at the city market. I always thought some day I’m going to get up early enough and go into the market for that show. Last year and again this year the show did not take place. And this year I live a few blocks away and could have gotten there without much effort. Instead I set my alarm so I could walk two blocks down and one block over to get to Good Fibrations to buy Harbour Lights mugs. I loved my walk down the city streets in the before dawn darkness as lights twinkled on the street and in store fronts. I got into a short line talking to the young father ahead of me ,his baby daughter strapped to his front and the tall man in front of him; David, a Hickey grandson, a city counselor and an all round lovely young man. Before long I stood at the counter and bought two beautiful Harbour Lights mugs. I walked back up Princess St and felt the joy and contentment of the day and the season. Last night my friend Kathy gifted me with tickets to see the Barra MacNeil’s at the Imperial Theatre. What a pleasure to sit and absorb the beauty of piano, fiddle, guitar, bodran drum and the resonating voices of that talented family. They finished with a resounding rendition of Auld Lang Syne offering hope and kindness in this dark and worrying time. We’ll take a cup of kindness yet… I look to the pottery cups, I look to the lights and the waking day and pray for that kindness.
A Cup of Kindness Yet