The Way I Feel
Ginny Collins has never run away from anything — not her complicated family of origin, and not her lonely marriage. But when an old postcard falls out of her mother-in-law’s photo album, Ginny is overtaken with the need to do just that.
Ginny quickly packs up a suitcase and camping trailer and drives away from her grown children and her forty-year marriage. As the miles fall away behind her, she starts to examine everything she’s held true. Is the life she’s living the only one available to her? Are the dreams she cast aside long ago still waiting to be realized? When she leaves her home behind, will she also be able to shed her unhappiness and regrets? Ginny’s impulsive decision begins a search she never anticipated, and she starts to uncover the truth she’s worked so hard to ignore.
The Way I Feel is a powerful exploration of women’s longing for more.