A Day at QES

Jan 30, 2018

It is snowing and blowing. The sun is just about to set and I am already in my jammies. My house is warm and cozy and I am happy to be at my computer and reflecting on the day I had at QES. I was up bright and early. Last week my visit was cancelled when school was cancelled because of snow and freezing rain.I held a small glimmer of hope the couple of times I woke in the night and when I woke up minutes before my alarm went off that maybe it was snowing and school would be cancelled again. I was anxious to go to QES but I still love the moment I hear school is cancelled and I can go back to sleep. My regular routine has me getting up around 8:00 so when I have to get up at 6:30 to get ready for a school visit I always find that a bit challenging. It is however always worth it and today was no exception.I had a great day presenting to the grade 3, 4 & 5 students at QES. The kids were wonderful. They were kind, engaged and attentive. The staff welcomed me and I felt very much at home. I also had the pleasure of sitting in the gym for the concert provided by the Saint John String Quartet. That certainly brought memories of my teaching days when they would come to MCS. I did a writing workshop with 25 kids in the afternoon. As always I was very impressed with the interest and the ability of our young writers.We began with a few writing exercises and then they all started work on a story from the same prompt.Running out of time I wasn’t able to hear everyone read their beginnings but the ones I heard were creative and unique. I really hope Danielle, Eric and Mackenzie finish theirs and ask their teachers to send them to me. Brooke had a wonderful beginning. Connor, Luke and Zac started comic strips that looked promising. Abby started a poem. All the students did an excellent job and brought their own imagination and flare to their work.My day held all the good things school visits offer to me. I get a brief taste of the things I loved the most about teaching. I see smiles and expressions and the beauty in each unique child. I get to share my stories, funny, and sad and always receive compassion and honesty.A visit tires me out for lots of reasons but every time I am so glad I had the opportunity to share my work and my writing journey. What a lucky mother,grandmother,retired teacher and author I am Thank you QES!


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