For the fourteenth time production of a book with my name on the cover is nearing completion. I love the entire process. From the tiny seed of an idea the crafting begins. I remember the exact moment I imagined this book into existence. From a brief glance into King’s Square the character of Hank Lowman emerged. I sat at my desk looking out street level windows on to Princess and Sydney Streets and imagined Hank’s back story. Words and sentences accumulated and a story unfolded. Much work ensued before it was ready to send it along to my publisher hoping I had done enough to warrant consideration. From there the editing journey began and Penelope and I hunkered down to make the rough gem shine. Revision and change developed a different ending and polished Hank’s story. Then cover considerations began. I searched for the right image and stumbled upon Ian Mutto’s beautiful King’s Square photograph that captured the very essence of the story I’d created. After securing the photo Tracy began creating the cover. While on a trip to visit my author friend Ida Linehan Young I received the interior to proof read before it was sent along to the printer. I read it quickly looking for errors and felt the power and worth of this story so thankful it had come this far and would soon be bound and available to readers. After collaborative tweaking between designer and publisher the final draft of the cover was sent to me and I was thrilled to accept it. Now I wait for the back cover draft and we reach the finish line. The file takes it’s place in the printer’s queue and we wait. Very soon I will hold Such a Winter’s Day and slip a copy into the bookends joining my thirteen previous titles and The Annethology. And Tuesday I get back to work on the writing of the next one.
Almost There!