On my way up the driveway this morning from getting my grand dog for the day I thought of how Monday mornings have such a bad reputation. I know how hard it can be to get up on Monday mornings and go to work after the weekend. Most Sundays I have a family dinner for my kids and other family members or friends. Most of the 10 people at my table last night had to go to work this morning.I don’t let anyone help me with the dishes on Sunday night and we usually get right to a game of dominoes (which is currently our game of choice)but often don’t finish it because people are thinking of having to get up for work the next day. I clean up after they leave because I don’t have to work the next day. That is not entirely true .I do work on Mondays.I write on Mondays.And again I say “what a lucky duck I am “. On this beautiful February morning I get to walk down my driveway, back up ,have breakfast ,write in my journal, write a blog entry and then get back to work on the ending of the book I am working on.After lunch I will take the three dogs up the wood road and then get back to my office until the sun sets.I don’t believe we should wish our life away and for those at work today I encourage you to enjoy those working days and take pride in the job you do. Life comes in stages and each stage brings it’s own gifts.The stage I find myself living today is great and I love Monday mornings!