Today I experienced another wonderful book club visit. This was a offshoot of my positive book club experience in August. The hostess today was the mother of one of the August participants. They like the former group read Ten Thousand Truths and Waiting For Still Water. I have another book club possibly meeting in November or maybe not until January that plan to do the same thing. I have really enjoyed discussing the writing of both and answering questions and hearing comments and observations. Today’s brunch was delightful. Not only did the hostess prepare a lovely noon meal but they showered me with gifts and money. My book club bounty included a beautiful scented candle, maple syrup, a bottle of wine, two bottles of homemade salsa, hand soap and enough money to make my drive to Belleisle more than worth while. I will not say too loudly that just the experience of having my work appreciated is payment enough. When I consider who I write for a local and supportive readership is right near the top of the list. Thank you Sue, Kathy, Jen, Rosemary , Roxanne and Jane. On my way home I stopped at a friends for a small shower she was having for her new granddaughter. The baby was precious . Congratulations Shawn and Lisa! And as a much added bonus Burton was home preparing Sunday supper. I often make the statement ” Sunday supper doesn’t make itself you know.” He did drop that line a couple of times before serving a delicious boiled corned beef and cabbage dinner. The meal and time with Burton , Caleb, Ashlie, Brianne and Chapin was a perfect end to a very enjoyable day.