Bring on Book # 3

Feb 18, 2013

After my last launch when I expressed how happy I was to be getting the chance to write , something I have always done but never had the time to devote to actually getting it done, my son Caleb said”How many books do you want to write,Mom.?”He asked the question with an element of surprise as if it hadn’t dawned on him that I would continue writing. I know for my family the first book was huge in so many ways and the intensity of the whole thing has been monumental.I feel it was the book that I needed to write first and has allowed me the opportunity to keep writing. My answer to him was, Well it depends how many years I have left, a book a year,let’s say – 20. Twenty sounds good , twenty five even better.Well it is getting closer to the time when I will hold book #3. Yesterday I finished the line edits after a couple of rounds of rewrites under the editing direction of Sherie Hodds. She was wonderful. I worked with Caitlin Drake on my first two books and was disappointed when she was not able to work on this one. But there was no disappointment once I started working with Sherie. She has been so supportive and encouraging throughout the process.Next I look forward to exploring cover options.So today after shovelling snow from yesterday’s storm and amidst my occasional worried thoughts, as Caleb and Ashlie travel back from Chester today, I will work on book # 4. It is coming to a very pivotal point and I think I know what direction it is taking.Funny how much writing books is like living life.
“I wanted a perfect ending. Now I’ve learned ,the hard way,that some poems don’t rhyme,and some stories don’t have a clear beginning,middle,and end. Life is about not knowing,having to change,taking the moment and making the best of it,without knowing what’s going to happen next. Delicious Ambiguity”
Gilda Radner


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