December Days

Dec 8, 2019

What a beautiful December day it is. On this quiet Sunday morning I took the time to read back to these days last December. Oh how quickly the years go by. Standing in the pie line at last night’s Kingston Baptist Christmas dinner I had the fleeting feeling that I had been there just a short time ago. My oldest grandson asked last night if the dinner the year before was on a Friday night.I said it had been a Saturday and he quickly relented stating that I would know because I write this stuff down.I love that he knows that about me. This year Skyler was Joseph and looked so adorable in his costume which covered his already adorable shirt and Christmas tie. I loved every second of spending time with those two boys .Bella was further down the table between her Mom and Dad but I got to sit beside and across from the boys. The wonder and thrill of that was written into my journal this morning. I read in last years entries that they came and cut their tree in our field the morning after. The boys told me they have found their tree but haven’t cut it yet. What I am getting at with this meandering entry is the beauty and wonder of December days and establishing traditions.I am so thankful for them. This week we found our way through another birthday without Zac. We reflected on so much , cried our tears and looked ahead.This afternoon Kathy and I will go to Elmhurst for the Mike Biggar and Jessica Ray concert. It will feel familiar while being unique in its own way. I will take the time to enjoy these December days. My decorating has been delayed a bit as I wait for some painting to get done but I look forward to digging out the boxes and bringing out each treasured decoration. The time and work involved will be well worth it when I stand back and see my house dressed for the season.For all of this I give thanks this morning .


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