Fog Lifts and Gives Way to Turkeys

Oct 6, 2014

Yesterday brought some heavy rain in the morning. The fog lifted in the afternoon bringing beautiful double rainbows which many people photographed yesterday and shared on their facebook pages. This morning the sun shines brightly, the air and the promise of a new week is fresh and inviting. Our troop of turkeys are enjoying a new found freedom now that they are allowed to roam at will through the mostly harvested garden. Their freedom will be short lived, but for today they are in their glory. I love the personalities of turkeys. They are so much more social than chickens and definitely not as nasty as geese. Last week was the 2nd annual Fog Lit Festival. From all reports it was very successful. I attended Words and Wine Thursday night hearing readings from Beatrice MacNeil, Gerard Beirne, Lesley Crewe and Jonathan Roy. Saturday I did a story time at SJFPL with some active and enthusiastic children. I was thankful for the musical offerings of the girls from InterActions. Yesterday I picked Riel up and we spent the morning at the BigTide Brewing Company for Books and Brunch. We enjoyed the good company of other readers and writers at the final Fog Lit event. Clyde Wray and Joan Hovey were the host authors. I enjoyed hearing the readings of Rosi, Annette, Max, Andrea, Rosalyn and Abby as well. Good job and congrats to all the organizers of Fog Lit. I am sure they are breathing a sigh of relief on this sunny ,morning after. So we look ahead to Thanksgiving. I wish our family celebrations could include Meg, Cody and the girls but we will hope for that for next year. Oh so many things to be thankful for! On this day I will, just like the roaming turkeys, concentrate on the blessings and gifts of the day and not let the worry of things to come and things beyond our control cloud this beautiful sunny day.


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