Full Speed Ahead

Jun 10, 2020

Oh so much percolating in my head and heart. The months ahead hold challenge, change and adventure.I will provide details at a later date as things unfold.On this quiet June day I will spend my time pulling weeds, hoeing rows and tending to my large garden . I will hope for rain and be optimistic for the healthy growth of each green shoot poking from the earth. I will at the same time hold my worries, concerns and petitions in my mind and heart, believing things will move along as they should. This past season of isolation, trepidation, adjustment and introspection have altered our perspectives and focused our priorities. Together we will find our way through the months ahead and will rejoice in the harvest. Tomorrow night the virtual NB Book Awards Gala will take place. Hopefully technology will not let me down and I will be able to fully participate from the privacy of my office where the words are written and the dreams unfold.I am thankful Fear of Drowning will be given some attention and will take that as a reminder that ideas, vision, dreams and hard work pay off. I cling to that as we face uncertainty on the next part of life’s journey.Burton and I cried last night remembering our family trip across Canada in 1996. What a blessing that adventure was. We loaded five kids into our van and took off on a month long road trip. Oh the wonderful memories we made. Heading out we had no more idea of what lay ahead than we will on this next venture but we headed out never the less. We faced each adversity, no tent, no gas stations, bad water at the great divide (poor Chapin),and forged ahead.What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. We as a family are strong even though some days I feel a bone aching weakness. So I vow on this day to tackle each day with the assurance and expectation that the strength we need will be given us but realize I need to remind myself of that quite often.That is what I’ve got Burton for. . So tomorrow night’s venue is my office.All the best to the shortlisted authors and fingers crossed for Fear of Drowning and technology.


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