George St. Middle School Bookworm Club

Jun 9, 2012

Yesterday I travelled to Fredericton to meet with the George St. Middle School Bookworm Club. Teacher Sara Belong and Librarian Sandy Barry had invited me and I am so glad I was able to go. I met Talha, Jacob, Dylan, Jaden, Nina,Heather,Matt, Sarah, and Shawne and shared parts of The Year Mrs. Montague Cried with them . We did a couple of
reading /writing activities and I was happy to introduce a few books to them from Taylor Anne’s Reading Challenge that they were unfamiliar with. Being the avid readers they are I am sure some of them will check some of the books out to read. Check them out, a good phrase when talking about a group of kids meeting in a well stocked library run by a very enthusiastic,dedicated librarian. That is something George St. Middle is lucky enough to have and it is a shame that every school in our province does not have one as well. Many of our school libraries are run by volunteers and when there is a lack of volunteers become sadly neglected and under utilized.I hope to return to George St. in the fall . Thanks again Sara and Sandy and Bookworm Club!


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