Just Write

Feb 25, 2016

Reading over my last entry I see that what I was saying about my wood road walks was exactly what I was feeling about my writing yesterday. I could take every thought and apply it to writing, to anything challenging in life really. I have been experiencing a bit of a slump lately and a good talking to myself is in order. Today’s rain and high winds will likely keep me from taking my wood road walk but shouldn’t keep me from getting down to business on the story that has me stuck.(unless the power goes out) Just write I always told my students, so I will try to take my own advice. I will just write and revise later. In my last entry I referred to the wild animals , the ice,the pitfalls along my walk and there are those to face in my writing. Look ahead , look behind and take a really good look at what you can see right where you are. And watch out for the nasty rooster but keep in mind that often the attack to be most afraid of comes from within.


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