Yesterday when out and about I heard a woman answer inquiries as to how she was, with the statement ‘ just living the dream’. Living the dream, a slightly sarcastic evaluation clouded with discontent and elements of poor me. Maybe that is how she meant it. Maybe not. One man that replied to her said ‘the nightmare you mean.’ This interaction stayed with me and has caused me to write this entry today. I dream a lot, both asleep and awake. I am known for far fetched , bizarre and sometimes very troubling dreams. Sometimes my dreams even become books. (Skyward , When the Hill Came Down and Wright Retreat) I am learning to see those dreams for what they are and nothing more. I tell myself they are just dreams and move on. My awake dreams hold aspirations, goals and signposts of their fruition. Sometimes I dream big or envision something too far down the road or possibly unattainable. But for the most part I follow through with the dreams that matter. But is that truly living the dream. I believe that statement or claim is wrapped completely in gratitude. One thing I dream of is walking out my door every season of the year into a lovely indoor pool pavilion. In The Way I Feel I gave one of my characters that luxury. I have instead a beautiful lake just minutes away that for part of the year I can swim in every day. What then is the dream? I might get a bit preachy here but I want to declare that yes indeed I am living the dream. I have my health. I have people I love and who love me. I have a comfortable home. I have work I love. I have past accomplishments and things to look forward to. I have a bounty and blessings. I sat for coffee on my back deck this morning and the sun shone down on me. A gentle breeze and birdsong accompanied the beautiful silence and wonder of another day. I have choice and free will. I can receive this day and see it for the wonderful gift it is. I can keep dreaming and I can enjoy and celebrate the dreams that have come true in my life. I will keep living the dream.
Living the Dream