The week of the launch started with a hot, Monday morning in the garden pulling weeds in the bean rows. It was almost 11:00 and just about time for a lake swim after finishing four rows.Burton was a few rows away and all that could be heard was the drone of CBC when I looked up to see someone walking toward me. Burton said “Who’s that? ” and even without my glasses on I could tell it was Megan holding Paige with Brianne and Emma right behind her. Unknown to me Burton had arranged to bring them home and Brianne had picked them up at the airport late the night before. No more weeding was done that day or the rest of the week for that matter. Thursday came and my cousin Joy, her husband,John and their two nieces arrived and we were ready to leave to go set up the market around 3:00. Erin wanted to see the pigs and as they approached the pig yard they discovered five of the six pigs on the wrong side of the fence.John and I left , leaving the round-up to Burton , Joy and the girls. Later ,everything ready, we entered the market not knowing what to expect this year after such a successful launch of The Year Mrs. Montague Cried last year. I was not disappointed. My community , friends, family and several dedicated readers came out in droves to see Ten Thousand Truths off on it’s trajectory. Anne Fullerton, a former student and aspiring editor and literature buff introduced me in a very generous manner. I read four passages and then my dear friend , former teacher and former colleague, travel companion ( the unforgettable Alaskian Cruise of 2007) and my house renovator finished the event by warmly and humorously wrapping things up. I signed books and greeted many people and did a video interview with a young man from the Telegraph Journal.Then we headed home for food, drink and laughter ,lots of story telling and a wind down, watching my two beautiful granddaughters charm
the crowd. What a wonderful night!