I just returned from a place that I am sure is among the most beautiful in the world; in my world anyway. I took a few minutes from writing to take my old dog, my two adorable grand dogs and myself for a walk up the wood road behind my house. I can not even begin to explain how standing partway up that hill on my way to what we call the park and gazing through snow covered trees at the vast blue sky above fills me with contentment.I heard someone talking on CBC yesterday about contentment being the key to happiness. I believe that to my core, although I sometimes stray from the confidence of that knowledge and let worry and concern take the forefront. Usually my very wise husband reminds me that there is no value in worry and the walk up the wood road always serves to reinforce that and bring me back to my senses. I have certainly over the last few years while on this walk given lots of thought to the difficulties I must face and the challenges faced by the people I love, but as I walk that winding road and as each turn brings more beauty, by the time I reach the top and then make my way back down the thoughts that take over are always of gratefulness and an overall glass certainly half full or perhaps even flowing over perspective . Perhaps there is magic on this wood road which explains why Burton who rarely goes a day without taking his tractor and chainsaw up this road can remain so grounded in what really matters. I also am always given on this walk a clear look at where I am going in my writing and I got lots of help today. I can’t wait to get home next week and get back to work.That brings me to the Toronto part.I leave tomorrow and on Friday I am participating in the OLA Super Conference Mass Book Launch. I know I’ve already mentioned that but this time tomorrow I will be in Toronto and getting ready to meet some fellow authors for supper. Part of me will still be here on the Walton Lake Road . For sure I will be happy to be at the events in Toronto but I will be happier still when I get back home and am given another afternoon to take another walk up the wood road behind my house.