In 1974 I did a work experience placement in my final year of high school. I don’t remember all the details but I was placed in Molly Fry’s ground breaking kindergarten one afternoon a week for several weeks.This was before kindergarten became part of our school system. John Hooper was the principal and amazing things were happening in that new building.I remember a teacher named Meg who impressed me so much I named my daughter after her. ( kind of). I remember other teachers with contagious passion and kid centered ideas who brought that school to life every day. A vision for students and Hampton were taking shape. For a seventeen year old girl visions of a different sort were forming. I was an underachiever, not much of a student and in a stream that was not preparing me for university. But deep within I already had a passion for teaching and my time spent with Mrs. Fry impacted me greatly. Zip ahead five years and I was walking through the doors of Hampton Elementary again, this time as a student teacher. I had my first degree and was in the last months of my education degree. I was married , had a young child and I had not given up on the dream. I was privileged to be in a grade three classroom with Barb Foss and those weeks set in motion many of my values and philosophies about teaching. My 29 year career saw so many changes ,professional growth and brought me so much fulfillment. In the last few years I have visited the students of HES as a visiting author. Those visits have always been rewarding and memorable. But today’s visit was something else again and a true full circle moment for me. Today ten years into retirement I presented to a group of teachers at a professional development session on the Writing Process. I spoke to them as a fellow teacher and as a published author and I hope that what I delivered was beneficial. For me it was an honor , a privilege and a validation of all that seventeen year old dreamed of being. I believe that what today’s teachers , EA’s and support staff do within the walls of that building still holds the same magic it did in 1974, as they do their best to inspire and make a difference.
Another Full Circle Moment