On Tuesday December 2nd I spent the day at Bayside Middle School. I had a great day. Students and staff were very welcoming. Thankyou Ms. Fullerton for inviting me and organizing my visit. I spent the morning with 21 students who were part of a book club. They had all read at least one of my books. What a joy it is to meet readers and see my stories through their eyes. I told the kids I would answer one of the three questions they wrote for me at the end of the morning.
Kennedy-Yes you can have a signed copy of one of my books. I will send it in with Ms. Fullerton. Thankyou!
Sydney-It was very difficult writing The Year Mrs. Montague Cried but I am very thankful that I had the time to do it and I am thankful that it became a book. Thank you for reading it.
Kayce- The Memory Chair is about a girl who becomes closer to her great grandmother after seeing parts of her great-grandmother’s life through memories she has while sitting in a chair at her great grandmother’s house. She discovers a family secret.
Jenna-I do not make a lot of money. My royalties are 10% of the cover price.
Molly-Usually I know the title before I write the book. Sometimes I change the title. I google to make sure there is not another book with the same title.
Ireland-It is hard to write a book. You have to take your time and do the work to get it to be the best it can be. Even after it is written you can see changes that could have made it better. Editors help you make your manuscript better.
Kori-I met my husband in Grade seven. He became my boyfriend in Grade 9. I am not recommending that but sometimes it works out. We have been married almost 38 years so it seems to be working out for us.
Lana- Getting through the loss of Zachary is something my family is still doing everyday.
Hannah- I plan to try to write a book a year for the next twenty years. We shall see.
Grace-I have not gotten a lot of negative feedback but when I do I try to accept what is being said. Sometimes negative feedback can be more helpful than positive.
Mikayla-I like writing because I get to make up characters and work through a story with them. I love stories!
Deanna-Thank you for your kind words!
Madison-My life is similar to Amelia’s in some ways. I have a big garden, farm animals and I love the Walton Lake and think it is a place of healing.
Sarah-I love having dogs as pets.
Chiamaka-My next book will be out in April 2015
Lauren-Writing had changed my life in several ways. I get to spend time doing what I love . I enjoy the writing , the editing, seeing the finished book and meeting readers.
Heather-I have some ideas about what happens after the end of The Sewing Basket but I leave that to the readers imagination.
Samantha-I love to swim in my spare time. I also like to knit ,spend time with friends, garden and go for walks in the woods. I also love to spend time with my granddaughters.
John-Yes, my next book will have a body of water. The Saint John River is in my next book. Lake Ontario is in the next and my sixth book has the Saint John River again. Water and swimming is definitely something I put in my books .
One page had no name I think it is Anya and I am probably not spelling her name correctly. Sorry! I plan to write a sequel to Ten Thousand Truths.The working title is Shame the Devil.
In the afternoon I visited two classrooms . The time went very quickly .Thank you so much to each of the students and the teachers.
Bayside Middle School