Step back and take a deep breath. Check on your well being and the well being of those you love. Do the things that fill you and let the rest of it go. Take solace in knowing that you did the best you could do and move on from here. These are the things reverberating in my muddled brain this morning. I feel somewhat like a wet dishcloth. The twinkling lights on the greenery on my upstairs railing offer me a quiet and soothing look at the beauty of this time of year. I take great comfort in the continuity of the decorations I pull out every year. They stay the same in the constant change of everything else. This morning I will join my friends in a group we call the 82 Moms(we all had babies in 1982)for a Christmas buffet at the Rothesay Golf and Country club. These girls have been a constant in the last few years. We meet once a month and as the months fly by and as we all meet challenges and greet joys in our lives we listen and support each other. What a gift this has been. So this will be how I tackle today; spend time in the company of friends, absorb some beautiful Christmas decorations, eat some tasty food and let my heart fill up from the somewhat limp and depleted state it currently finds itself in.
Let Your Heart be Full