Birthday- the anniversary on which a person was born, typically treated as an occasion for celebration and the giving of gifts. What a birthday is of course is familiar to all of us. A birthday is usually something one looks forward to filled with the anticipation of turning a year older, reaching milestones like the double digits, legal drinking age, the big 2-0 , 3-0, 5-0 and so on. The celebration can be marked with balloons, cake , candles, friends and family gathered to sing and offer best wishes. But then there’s the birthdays of those we’ve lost , the loved ones no longer with us. These days one might see posts offering heavenly birthday wishes as if the person not here to celebrate is somewhere checking their social media platforms. I struggle with this one. For the last twenty five years I have faced Dec 5th the birthday of my oldest son with a plethora of emotion. The first year I took the entire month of December off from teaching as facing the month seemed more than I could handle if expected to show up and be strong every day. It was possibly that year or the year after that I acknowledged the date by taking a gift to a little girl born on Dec 5th. I did that until that girl turned twenty and then started that practice with a little boy , the son of one of Caleb’s friends who has Dec 5th birthday. This Thursday is the birthday of my son Zachary. Forty six years ago I held that precious baby in my arms and was given the privilege of being his mother. We celebrated his twentieth birthday in 1998. He had reached the big 2-0 and I was so proud of the young man he had become. He was a wonderful son, am amazing big brother, a loyal friend, a hard working and generous guy. As we sang Happy Birthday on that Dec 5th we had no idea it would be the last time. Birthdays are a big deal. My heart sings happy birthday to you Zac and as long as I live the anniversary of the day you were born will be a day celebrated with love and gratitude.