
Attitude, Gratitude and Fortitude

Attitude, Gratitude and Fortitude

In the last few days I have found myself saying this three word phrase. I like the sound and I really like the focus these words give me no matter the challenge , worry or concern troubling me. My perspective toward whatever the situation is totally in my control even...

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Birthday- the anniversary on which a person was born, typically treated as an occasion for celebration and the giving of gifts. What a birthday is of course is familiar to all of us. A birthday is usually something one looks forward to filled with the anticipation of...

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Got to Love the Launch

Got to Love the Launch

When a new book is released the author often chooses to celebrate with a launch. I remember when I launched The Year Mrs. Montague Cried in 2011. I chose the Kingston Farmer's Market as the venue and went about planning it. I invited former students personally and...

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Get to Work!

Get to Work!

What a beautiful October we are having. Each morning I try to start my day in my gazebo taking in the air , the sunshine, the breeze and the surrounding Fall foliage. I love days when I get to stay home and so appreciate days when I get to my office and write new...

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As I Wait

As I Wait

Instead of attending to new words and developing the story in my current work I am sitting here in my office this morning reflecting and revisiting what came before. I am anxiously waiting for the arrival of my fourteenth novel which has been sent out this morning...

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Almost There!

Almost There!

For the fourteenth time production of a book with my name on the cover is nearing completion. I love the entire process. From the tiny seed of an idea the crafting begins. I remember the exact moment I imagined this book into existence. From a brief glance into King's...

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