I can hardly believe that today is the last day of November. This bleak and chilly month has passed quite quickly and so many days ended with stunning sunsets. We have a good ground cover of snow and yesterday my woods road walk on some of the trails Burton had not broken with the tractor, were challenging. As I knew it would, the road has taken on an entirely different look and feel as I make my way up to the ‘park’. So as November comes to an end I look toward December. December can be difficult and the circumstances we have been given this year will not be easy, but as I think of the days and weeks ahead I am deciding how I will do December. I will take each day as the wonderful gift it is. I will fill this month with family and embrace the time I have to spend with each one. I will bring out boxes of Christmas memories and find a place to display them that will fill my heart with the feeling of home and tradition. I will look at that job as a privilege not a hardship. I will celebrate the day we were given our son Zachary 36 years ago, feeling of course the deep sadness that his life ended but be so thankful that we had him with us for twenty years. I will give gifts to the people I love, not worrying that I haven’t spent enough or that I’ve spent too much. It is not the gift but the giving. I will cook a bit and each dish I take from the oven and set on our table I will be truly thankful for and thankful for each person that gathers around our table. Each day I will make the choice to be thankful, to be completely present and mindful of the blessings we have been given.
Deciding on December