Balance is a good thing. Everything in moderation. I can not off the top of my head think of another cliché to match those two but on Saturday the title of this entry came to me and I’ve been considering the three parts ever since. I have always loved snow days. I have always felt the tug of Christmas when the first snow falls. I have also been looking forward to seeing snow and the changing season in my current dwelling feeling the strong conviction that feeling every season here is important to my own well being. Perhaps I am beginning to sound like a broken record but for me the music of that record is soothing, and comforting. Equal parts, equal attention, fair and deliberate measuring and consistent energy given to the three R’s of the title. Rest; sleep, down time, lessened expectations and duty, freeing the mind, the heart and the body. Recovery: healing, making a plan, loving and laughing. Reset; finding a new normal, making careful changes and trusting your ability to make them slowly and surely. On this snowy November day I feel the comfort of the rest, recovery and the reset that has taken place in the last five months. This season is so heavy with emotion, activity and expectation and I feel exactly on target with the management of it in all the ways I can contribute to and letting go of all the things I can’t. I will allow it to unfold and I will embrace the gifts and the challenges.
Equal Parts Rest, Recovery and Reset