September has almost come to an end. The evenings and mornings are cool bordering on cold. This morning when I got up I turned on the heated floor in the bathroom which had been turned off during the hot summer months. What a joy to feel the heat on my bare feet. Making the transition from Summer to Fall is such a blessing. Burton and I talked this morning about the task he has ahead of him to fill the far wall and corner of our basement with firewood. Another season of warmth and blessing. It is time to add another blanket to the bed and enjoy nights under warm covers. Most of the summer sleeping involved trying to stay cool and now we look for the opposite.Thanksgiving approaches and hopefully our traditional trek to Kings Landing will take place. Saturday night we welcomed a good sized crowd to our annual corn boil. We laughed and ate and celebrated Burton’s 65th birthday. His cousin brought him a Happy Birthday 5 Year old and inserted x 13 to make it fit the occasion. He also got a Happy 40 year old card with the added remark” with 25 years experience. We have experience, we have had many seasons and much to reflect upon. We have been blessed with children and grandchildren, family and friends.We have fulfilled dreams and aspirations and continue to dream and aspire.We have the blessing of a comfortable home and a safe and supportive community. We have food to eat and clean water to drink.We can don sweaters and hoodies , long pants and socks. This advent of fall is also carrying the final days of decline for my beloved mother. Her days are winding down and I pray for comfort, for grace and for the strength we need to face what lies ahead for our family.Today with my mother in my heart I will clean my home bottom to top taking each room and each task as the blessing it truly is. I will also hold in my thoughts the hundreds of people facing the destruction of the tornado that descended on Ottawa. How quickly the life we take for granted can change can be uprooted and forever altered. So relish the ordinary day , the predictable change of the seasons and the tedious tasks of our lives. There is such blessing in the day by day of the life we have given.
Heated Floors, Warm Covers and Socks