My worry list seems a bit long these days. When considering the writing of a blog entry yesterday I felt too bogged down with the items on that list and felt unable to muster up much hope.This morning I feel more able to see the glimmer of the light my blessing list usually offers me. Hope is a powerful force that finds the surface despite what life throws our way. Hope does not change the difficulties but gives us the assurance that we can get through the tough stuff. I do not pretend to have any idea what a person needs to tell themselves when they are given a terminal diagnoses. So much of the hopeful things I hang on to have a timeline stretching into the future. I do know how quickly a life can be over and know first hand how a family deals with the days , months and years after the loss. I try very hard to see the present day as a gift to be savoured and enjoyed. We as a family are taking a journey with Burton’s youngest brother.He has returned home to live out however many days he has left. We will take each day , which in reality is all any of us are given. So this day I take a deep breath, I add things to that blessing list and take comfort and strength from the people I love. Today ,I hold on tightly to hope.
Holding on to Hope