My Windows on the World

Jun 6, 2019

Today is window day. Major renovations have begun, firstly with the replacement of all the downstairs windows. Most of the upstairs ones have been replaced gradually in the last few years. It seems strange that time has passed and the windows coming out are so old. I remember clearly the excitement of a new build, a long dreamed of and worked toward house that rose on top of this hill;the wonder and thrill each time I turned onto the driveway and could see the house I was coming home to.I remember the family we raised within these walls, the life we lived and the memories we made.So here we are thirty years later replacing weathered windows and covering our cord wood walls with insulation and siding. Change, adaptation, renovation, keeping up and making improvements.For some reason this fills me with emotion and my eyes fill with tears as I write this.I feel so thankful to be able to make these changes, to update and improve the home I love.But I feel a bit overwhelmed. Perhaps the deary weather, my weariness and a headache is making me emotional.I will get back to my writing. I will take this upheaval in my stride and refrain from delving any further into the sentimental side.New , clean , airtight windows. What’s not to like about that?


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