Yesterday was a big day. I awoke feeling weary and a bit disconcerted. I was prepared for my reading on paper but not sure I was as ready in my own head.I planned my day fitting in my walk in (or possibly snowshoe) before lunch so I would have lots of time to get myself together.The fresh blanket of snow called me to the woods and I searched for my snowshoes. After finding them in the garden shed I strapped them on and took off up over the hill. It was a gorgeous day. The sun was strong and the snow was perfect. There were a few slippery spots to be aware of but overall my first snowshoe of the season was spectacular.It makes me anticipate the many snowshoe treks ahead. I had a good talk to myself and for the most part felt on track for the evening ahead.I did have a few doubts to quash and a few insecurities to push away. There is something daunting about stepping in front of a group of people and being part of an event I always regarded as slightly high brow. That of course is my perspective and like most self doubt comes from something we tell ourselves.On top of the hill I stood in the open air staring up at the brilliant blue sky and found my place in the vast scheme of things. That I believe is the key to truly accepting whatever our challenges are. Ashlie picked me up and in we went. Connor gave me a gracious and heart felt introduction and my Lorenzo debut began. The readings were fine. I stumbled through the Q&A with a bit of rambling but overall did OK. I signed a few books and met a few people . I talked to parents of twins I taught in my second year of teaching. I saw some friends and a former colleague. Ashlie and I and joined Andrea, Connor, Dale and Rachel for a lovely meal at Thandi’s.I am very pleased to have been asked. I am pleased with the crowd and the response but I definitely felt relief when the night was over.It was lovely standing before an audience and reading my work but the real highlight of my big day was snowshoeing to the top of the hill and taking in the beauty and the peacefulness around me.It is for those moments I am truly thankful.