I wrote my last entry on November 2nd when the month was barely through the gate. Yesterday my blog coach gently nudged me to write an entry but I was working to finish up the first round of edits for Skyward that I’d given myself two weeks to complete. I was able to finish and send the edits back yesterday afternoon, three days before schedule. I am pleased with my efforts. I so appreciate the work my editor does to make me a better writer. The challenges she gave me seemed a bit overwhelming initially but as she stated in her notes I did already know the answers to all her queries when I dug a little deeper. The key is of course to make sure the reader knows it all, in good time , in a carefully crafted and deliberate way. I love that side of editing and am so glad for the care and attention my editor gives my work. When I thank Penelope Jackson in my acknowledgments please understand just how much I have to thank her for. Now on to round two and getting closer to the finish line and the actual book. So November continues. Today is a beautiful, sunny ,crisp day. I just had a Zoom practice call with author Gerard Collins and Acorn publicist Genevieve Loughlin. Oh boy technology is fun. Who doesn’t love seeing their own face constantly on the screen? I am going to try to get over my self loathing as I engage in tomorrow night’s Zoom launch of When the Hill Came Down. Gerard is going to interview me and I look forward to that. Yesterday I had an amazing wood road walk even though it was wet and muddy. It culminated in the sighting of a beautiful vibrant rainbow visible just as I began my descent . I took the time to take its beauty in and appreciate the gift spreading across the sky. What better way to celebrate having just completed the beginning edits on my novel entitled Skyward. Even in this bleak November remember to look to the sky, take in and be grateful for all the blessings, all the challenges and all the gifts this life has to offer.
Still Plodding Through November