Every morning I write in my journal and document the happenings of the day before. I often read back and reflect on days gone by. I write monthly goals that help me decide on what matters for the month ahead. In the morning I make a list for my day. Yesterday I said at suppertime that I hadn’t written all day. Caleb said , ” what no lists or anything?”. I said “oh yes of course I made a list.” That’s how I structure my life and to some it may seem a bit strange. We all have our own way of facing life. I look ahead in the morning to the stretch of day ahead of me. I am pretty much the engineer of my own day and for that I am so thankful. I worked for 29 years at a job that very clearly structured my days, weeks and months. Bells rang , schedules were followed and the school year chugged along at a fast and determined rate. I love the fact that I am in charge of my days now. Small pleasures and tasks of my own choosing enrich my days. Writing of course is the major one but I would not be happy to have it become too regimented. I like to have a plan but I like it more that I can change it if I want to. Yesterday my unexpected task became cleaning out the closet in what was Zac’s room and has now become Emma and Paige’s room. We have stuffed things in that closet and basically avoided dealing with it. The Bell installer who came to install my PVR(that possibly will require an entry of its own , since I am told it will be life-changing)pulled most of the stuff out of the closet to run the wire into Caleb and Ashlie’s room. I had been for a lovely walk with my friend Kathy and then we had lunch at Reed’s Point Pub. My choices were to ignore the mess , stuff it all back in or tackle it. Ashlie and I tackled it. Five garbage bags later I have a closet where I can actually store things in a manageable manner. I had to part with a few things that if I dwelt on it would bring me to tears but for the most part I was fine. I now am looking ahead to the summer when my girls will come again and their room is ready and waiting. Today I will go to town. Totally a random activity as usually I go on
Wednesdays when Kathy and I go swimming. But I will throw caution to the wind and go just because I can. I’ve made a list though of course.
The Day Ahead