Despite keeping water in the tree stand every day without fail my tree was very dry. As I pulled off each ornament vast amounts of needles fell. By the time Burton pulled it through the front door the floor was covered in green. But I loved every day it stood in my living room and every night I loved its twinkling lights. Another Christmas has passed , different in many ways and the same in other ways. Regardless of its disappointments, its sadness , its failure to meet some expectations it was a blessed beautiful season and I am very thankful. Now during this first week of January we regroup, we replenish, we rest and rally looking to the year ahead.The days already seem longer and despite the cold I feel the sun’s warmth and promise. I look ahead to my work knowing the second round of edits will soon come and feeling confident about getting back to a work I have barely started. A reader’s kind message encourages me to return to Rachel’s story and the Walton Lake Road. Jasper who was a baby in ‘Waiting For Still Water’ has a story to tell and I plan on sitting at my desk and telling it. I will return the same day my grandchildren get on the bus and head back to school. What a blessing those grandchildren have been this wonderful Christmas. Oh so much to be thankful for.
The Tree is Down