What a beautiful morning. It is a quiet,peaceful day between Christmas day and New Years day requiring very little of me except to take it in and let it unfold. The snow is falling out side and I have decided to stay put and just enjoy this day. I will reflect on the blessings this season and this year have brought.I am awaiting the second round of edits for my eighth book, Fear of Drowning. I look forward to seeing some cover options in the next while. I saw the book written up on the Indigo site a few minutes ago with a anticipated release date of May 2019. How great is that? I read back to some of my first entries on this blog when I started it in 2011 which was before my first book was released.It is interesting how things change and stay the same. I just had my 62nd birthday and am so grateful for my health and all I have learned in my first 62 years. Yesterday I sat with my friend Gladys in the big room at her nursing home. A man had come in to entertain and every song he sang spoke loudly to me of so much. Gladys and I were among only a few of those residents who seemed able to participate. The music was reaching them all though I believe. I remembered how Mom could play her organ pretty much right up to her leaving home,how my Aunt Lois still responds to music even though her moments of clarity are few. Gladys was still able to tell me little morsels of entertaining stuff. Who was who in the room and so on. One song seemed to be perfect for dancing and we remembered her husband Eldon who loved to dance. I came away so thankful for so much and glad I made the time to drive to Hampton and visit Gladys.Today is another day I have been given and I will not take it for granted. Every day that came before and all the days I will yet be given add to the beauty of this one. A fresh snow will cover the ground and I will be snug inside my home not knowing what comes next but truly appreciating where I am right now in the life I have been blessed with.
While the Snow Gently Falls