Saturdays are market days from May to November. Despite the getting up at 7:00 I really enjoy going. Some days are slow . Last week I had my first ever ‘no book sales’ day. I sold a few dozen eggs though and I got to talk to some friends and neighbors. I left early to make my way across the busy Saturday morning ferry and went into the city for Joan and Joe Howlett’s funerals. Last week the highlight was a man picking up Ten Thousand Truths and reading the back cover. I take what I can get and every little bit of contact with potential readers counts. Nobody would come strolling into my office on a Saturday morning and show interest in my work. Yesterday the books sales improved, I sold all my eggs and sold a few tickets for the foundation fundraiser. A woman from Ireland returned to my table. When she was visiting a friend in 2014 her friend bought her The Sewing Basket and before leaving the peninsula two days later she called me and I met her in Kingston so she could get The Year Mrs. Montague Cried and Ten Thousand Truths for her daughters. Yesterday she bought The Memory Chair. It was so nice to talk to her and her husband. You don’t get that staying home and sleeping in on market day. Many people inquired about my new book and I expect sales to increase in the next few weeks as I offer Waiting For Still Water to dedicated readers. I had a mom and son spend several minutes looking at and discussing all four books before they chose Ten Thousand Truths as a gift for Emily. I donated a copy of The Memory Chair to the Dragon Boat Festival silent auction. I got to talk with at least four former students and a former colleague. Pat who lives beside the ferry bought The Year Mrs. Montague Cried and said she was anxiously awaiting my new book. A man stopped by and bought The Memory Chair for his wife. I got to see my great nieces after the talented face painter was done with them and sent a picture right to their dad who is working in Alberta for a few months. I bought salmon and samosas. Overall, it was worth it and I came away thankful for the opportunity to spend a Saturday morning displaying years of work and the stories that have unfolded. Yesterday market morning presented stories of its own.By the way the launch for Waiting For Still Water will be at the Kingston Parish hall on June 29th at 7:00.
To Market, To Market