In one of the reviews of my first book The Year Mrs. Montague Cried the reviewer made the comment ” Although death and depression loom, the encouragement to live and grow yourself with words is like a big yellow sun behind all the clouds.” What better thought to hold on to during the bleakness of November and just before the solemnness of Remembrance Day. This morning the sun is strong. Its rays are flooding my office and I feel a hopefulness for the day and the weeks ahead. We know they will not be easy but we also know that they just as the sun waits behind the clouds there are blessings behind the difficulties. The blessing of family, of friends and community, the blessing of purpose,and the blessing of place. I will take the gift of today’s sun and let it fortify me for the bleak days ahead. I have confidence that sunny days get interspersed with the cloudy ones.
When the Sun Shines Through