I normally don’t write on Fridays. I usually go across the river and spend the day with my best childhood friend , her sisters, her daughter in law and her grandchildren and some other friends, sometimes her nieces and their kids. We call it quilting and the day does result in quilts being made but is more about the lunch and the time together. Some Fridays I stay home for various reasons and today is one of them. I am quite enjoying the day. The March sun is shining and dripping and running water surround the house leaving a muddy mess that speaks of spring. I will probably walk up over the hill but am not anxious to leave my desk. I have been working for the last two days on a not forgotten but set aside manuscript. I did a complete re-write of it awhile ago and hadn’t given it much thought recently. But after preparing two back burner manuscripts for submission I decided to devote some time to A Fear of Drowning. The rewrite is so much stronger than the previous draft. I have done some revisions and have some immediate plans to add to the story that is gripping me right now making me question whether I can tear myself away long enough for my wood road walk. And then in the middle of this I get a call about an interview for Monday morning about the Mother / Daughter book club in March featuring The Sewing Basket. I check my e-mail intermittently looking for the arrival of the interior of Headliner , my May release. My grateful heart swells with just all this, not to mention the blessings and gifts looming in the rest of my life. So back to work it is!
A Friday in the Office