How quickly the weeks , months and years go by. I am so happy to be in the quietness of a morning in my office to reflect a bit. The snow has not begun but school has been cancelled which really doesn’t affect me at all but seems like a reprieve never the less.Today is a writing day.My work in progress is rolling along and I see being able to finish it by the middle of May.Spring has arrived even though the weather seems to be fighting it. March is a scrappy month. April approaches again this year bringing nineteen years of missing Zac and learning how to be in the world without him. Mom and Dad will come back from their winter in Florida. Mom will see her ninetieth birthday and we will continue to find our way through her savage disease, no longer having the gift of carrying on a conversation with my funny, anxious, loving mother. Monday I attended Gladys 95th birthday party. She sat in the middle of the large room at the Dr. Snow home and welcomed her well wishers. She looked radiant. In spite of some physical decline her mind and spirit shine brightly and grace all who know her.I look ahead to another book launch , market season, Word Spring , award ceremonies , royalty cheques and lots more. Summer will come and we will welcome our girls. Changes and blessings are on the horizon. Yesterday on my walk I paused to give thanks for the past , the future and the very moment of the present. I stood looking up at a beautiful blue sky surrounded by a pristine, bright, white snow cover and breathed in the present moment. Our weeks , months and years are of course made up of those present moments. May we be truly mindful of each one and the blessing of those moments tied together giving us the life we’ve been gifted with.
Happy Birthday Gladys