I woke up early anticipating the day.I so well remember the thrill of the last day of school. June was always a frenzy of activity. Report cards to write. , school trips , events and special days, hot weather and kids excited for summer. By the time the last day came I was counting the minutes. Goodbyes, emotions , water gun fights, finally seeing the kids on the bus and watching the bus pull away were the countdown moments to summer. Relief followed as I packed up my classroom and put another year behind me. Now for the last nine years I have had the privilege of following a much different routine. The years have gone by just as quickly and the rewards though much different have been just as great. So today I woke excited to start my last day. I told Burton my boss expected me to be at work early and I may have to work late because today is my last writing day and I plan on hitting send on a manuscript I have worked faithfully to prepare. The small seed for this book was planted when my friend Kathy and I boarded a boat to take a Thousand Island cruise in 2011. I wrote the draft and have rewritten it several times. I will spend the day making sure it is ready to let go. Today there will be no closing ceremonies, no gifts,no hugs goodbye, no tears just the wonderful feeling of completion and the hope of having another first day of writing in August. I look forward to all the tasks and joys of summer.Seeds will be planted in the soil and I will watch them grow. I will watch my grandchildren blossom and thrive. I will swim and allow my lake to replenish and fill my soul. I walk away from my writing with a sigh of regret that another year has passed, with the deep feeling of gratitude that another book has been released and will find its place in reader’s hearts and minds, and that I will be given another beautiful summer. So much to do to step into the next season but right now my boss is saying get to work . “Books don’t write themselves you know.”
Last Writing Day