Again my daughter has alerted me to the fact that I have not written on my blog since November. I’ve been busy is my main reason and not being of the blogger generation is another. I know that there are woman my age actively blogging but for me it hasn’t quite taken off as one of my daily chores. Oh well I will attempt to improve that.I had the pleasure of going to Alberta for 12 days in December and kept my grandaughter Emma while her mom and dad and baby sister went to Maui for a friend’s wedding. Coming home on the 14th I then proceeded to get the house ready for another Christmas. I have enjoyed family and friends and a quiet but busy two weeks with Burton home from work. I am so looking forward to Monday and my return to my writing routine. I have finished the second round of editing for my second book and I am excited to see it come together for a spring release. Happy New Year everyone !