
Jaden’s Gift

Jaden’s Gift

I have said many times just how blessed I am with the interactions I have with people when I set up weekly at my local farmer's market to sell my books. My sales total fluctuates from week to week and I have never had a no sale day. I sell to new readers of my work,...

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In Good Company!

In Good Company!

I am a huge Anne of Green Gables fan. When asked who has most influenced my writing, I always answer Lucy Maud Montgomery. So when I was approached over a year ago to be part of Acorn's Annethology it was a no brainer. Of course I would be honored to be involved. Then...

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To Market, To Market

To Market, To Market

The weeks and months flew by and it is market time again. Several years and maybe ten books ago, I started regularly having a table at my local farmer's market. I now fill it proudly with thirteen titles and hope to add two more before the season ends. ( The...

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Sitting in the Joy

Sitting in the Joy

I am sitting at my desk on this rainy ,grey March day and many thoughts percolate in my somewhat foggy brain. I love a stay home morning and the quiet solitude that allows me to unpack and process a few things. I have already listened to a few William Prince songs to...

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What About Ireland

What About Ireland

I took a break from writing a few minutes ago and looked back at some of my recent blog entries. I landed on an entry I wrote shortly after getting back from London and the Cotswold's in April and realized I did not blog about our December trip to Ireland. I want to...

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Christmas Letters and Funeral Parlors

Christmas Letters and Funeral Parlors

I am back to work today after a Christmas break and trying to get my head around getting back to the story I am working on. But before I do I feel the need to write a blog entry and unload a bit. The two topics in my title have been on my mind and in my heart for the...

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